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Home » Antrim-based manufacturer Jans Composites Ltd has developed a new Hydropod portable hand washing station to help in the fight against Covid-19.

Antrim-based manufacturer Jans Composites Ltd has developed a new Hydropod portable hand washing station to help in the fight against Covid-19.

    One of the key pieces of government advice throughout the Covid-19 pandemic has been the directive to wash your hands regularly with warm soapy water. Alcohol-based hand sanitisers have proven highly effective for destroying the virus, but those who have to use hand sanitiser frequently throughout the day can find that it irritates their skin and becomes unpleasant to use.

    Northern Irish automotive manufacturer Jans Composites Ltd has developed an alternative system that it hopes will eliminate this problem: Portable hand-washing stations that use just soap and water. Washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is effective in destroying the Covid-19 virus as it destroys the fatty membrane the virus is encased in, but can be less harsh on people’s skin.

    The new Hydropod portable hand-washing stations are similar to portable toilets that are already used across the country in situations that require temporary toilet facilities. They’ve been designed to be deployed anywhere they’re needed, from shopping centres and public transport stations to the lobbies of hotels and offices.

    Developed by CEO Ronan Hamill, the Hydropod has hands-free sensors for the water taps and paper towel dispensers, and is designed for use in situations without constant water or electricity supply. As businesses begin to re-open their doors and hand-washing becomes a pre-requisite for entry into buildings, Ronan believes the Hydropod could save businesses from spending on expensive antibacterial gels.

    Ronan Hamill commented on the product “From an antibacterial gel coat on the GRP (glass reinforced plastic) to programmable sensor taps and a hands-free paper towel dispenser, water filters, polycarbonate screens which are vandal resistant, sink and dispenser heights, adjustable to comply with wheelchair regulation, this modular station has many practical and easy to clean features.”