Working Together Safely
Covid 19 Statement
Jans Composites is continuing to work with strict measures in place. We are aware of the need to be responsible in relation to how we conduct our daily business. In line with this we have taken practical steps and implemented robust measures to ensure the health of our employees, sub-contractors, and visitors. We have followed and continue to follow the latest government and public health guidance.
Our employees’ health, safety and wellbeing during a global health emergency like COVID-19 is paramount. We recognise our statutory duty of care to provide a safe place of work and have worked hard to make sure our employees feel safe and secure in their employment.
Jans Composites COVID-19 Policy was introduced in March 2020 to ensure that all risks were suitably assessed, and that sensible and appropriate control measures are implemented.
COVID-19 risk assessments of all our work activities were completed early on and fully documented COVID-19 specific work procedures were communicated to all employees. These procedures continue to be reviewed to take account of the very latest government guidance and advice.
To ensure Jans Composites remains COVID-secure the following measures were implemented:
- Information, training and support
All employees have received a comprehensive COVID-19 training session providing them with detailed information and instruction in the control measures and restrictions in place to reduce the risk of infection and transmission of the virus.
The company has an ongoing stringent COVID-19 reporting procedure for anyone displaying symptoms with strict protocols in place.
We are aware of how changes in working arrangements may cause additional work-related stress and affect employee’s mental health and wellbeing. Advice, guidance and support during the COVID-19 pandemic has been made available to all employees.
Regular COVID-19 updates and communications with employees continue to be carried out by means of toolbox talks, management briefings and through informal discussions.
- Increased hygiene practices
The company has an enhanced cleaning regime in place with particular attention given to frequently touched surfaces and communal areas, including company vehicles and work equipment.
Employees are required to wash and sanitise their hands before entering and leaving the premises and at regular intervals throughout the day.
- Social distancing
Appropriate social distancing measures have been implemented in all areas of the factory. Demarcation of floors and signage have been displayed to indicate mandatory requirements.
In areas where social distancing is not possible, additional safety precautions, such as the provision of PPE and training have been provided.
- Visitors and sub-contractors
Only essential visitors and sub-contractors are permitted to enter the site, contact via remote connection is encouraged where possible. Access to the site is only allowed by a pre-arranged appointment or by contacting reception.
Protective screens have been erected at the reception desk for the protection of staff and visitors. All visitors to the site are required to follow the company’s COVID-19 procedures and complete a pre-entry COVID-19 questionnaire.
- Monitoring of compliance
Regular inspections are carried out in the workplace to ensure compliance with the COVID-19 Policy. Documented temperature screening is conducted on a daily basis with employees.
Further details regarding the company’s COVID-19 risk assessments and its associated policies and procedures are available on request to genuine interested parties.